Friday, January 20, 2012

What Are You Snacking On?!

Since I posted my fitness transformation photos, many of you have asked me what my meal plan involved. I did have a previous post with some breakfast ideas, so now I'm going to focus on everyone's favorite: SNACKS!

We all love to snack - when we're stressed, when we're just hangin' out by the food spread at a party, or at our desks at work. Snacks are great! They keep our bodies fueled until our next meal. It's the type and quanity that truly count, and if you steer in the wrong direction, these snacks can work against you. There were 3 main snacks that were included in my meal plan, and that I'll be sharing with all of you. Enjoy!

High in protein and low in fat, when compared to regular yogurts. My favorite brand is Chobani, and they have a variety of flavors.

This is flourless bread, so it is low on the glycemic index. I paired a slice with my omelettes in the morning, or with my greek yogurt for a snack. Cinnamon raisin is my favorite!! Try it with a tablespoon of peanut butter.

Oh, the infamous protein pancakes. These saved me day after day when I would have long hours in the operating room. They provided sustainable energy, with minimal sugar content, compared to your average protein bar. Here's the recipe:

2 egg whites
1/2 cup instant oats
1 scoop of any flavor whey protein powder
water to the consistency you desire

Just cook them up like pancakes over the stove, and store them. Trust me, you'll thank me for this one!

I hope you are all staying on track with your goals for 2012. Stay focused, stay motivated, and work towards the best shape of your life!!

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